How to Get Respect
Things You'll Need
- Respect
- Hard work
Dress properly. The way you express yourself in clothes will influence a lot how people will treat you. This is especially important for women. If you desire to get respect from men and others, pay attention to the amount of fabric you cover your body. Exposing too much skin may be a fashion statement for you, but to others it will be used as a measure of how much respect you deserve to get or worse, none at all.
Treat others with respect. The golden rule, "Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you", always holds true. If you cannot respect other people, do not expect them to esteem you. You harvest whatever you planted and this is a universal law.
Be confident about yourself. Knowing who you are and valuing yourself as a person of purpose will eventually show off in your actions. People will respect individuals who believe in themselves versus those who wallow in self-pity and negativity.
Watch your attitude and change those ones that are hurting your relationship with others. If you notice people avoiding you or laughing at you behind your back, they are not showing you respect. Evaluate your life and actions to find out which areas you need to improve so you get the respect you deserve.
Be honest. Showing honesty in dealing with people earns their trust and eventually their respect. Your principle and character are your best investments in getting people's respect so cultivate them the best way possible.
Earn the respect. If you think you can demand respect from others by force, you are wrong. It is one of those virtues who come naturally to those who work hard to earn it. Manipulating others in order to respect you is not only dangerous, but you are also making a fool of yourself. Humble yourself and then diligently work hard to become a respectable person. Your efforts will be rewarded by the respect people will give back to you.