How to Regain Lost Confidence
Things You'll Need
- Time
- A Journal
- Old Photos
Try to figure out what happened to make you lose your confidence in yourself. Did you lose a job? Date somebody who made you feel worthless? Get rejected from your dream college? Think about when you where at your peak of confidence and how you got to where you are now. A good idea would be to start a journal and write about all the thoughts that run through your head about what caused your lack of confidence.
The next step is to start addressing what ever event or person made you loss your sense of confidence. If it was a person, write them a letter. Tell them everything you've always wanted to. But don't send it! Instead, burn the letter. If an event caused you to lose confidence in yourself, journal about it. If you lost a job, list the reasons why you lost the job and decide if it was really your fault or if it was out of your control. Journal, journal, journal until you get all of your feelings out.
Find ways to build confidence again. If you lost your job, start looking for a new and better job. If your marriage fell apart, learn from it and get out and start dating - or maybe find something new to fill your time. If you were rejected by a college or graduate school, apply to others. The key here is to stop giving up and let life's disappointments drag you down.
My favorite piece of advice is, "Get over it." Whatever happened to you, you are still alive and you survived it. Learn from it and then get over it. Life is to short to wallow.
Whatever it is you feel you are lacking or failing at, keep trying until you succeed. Start small. Gradual successes will build your confidence back up. If you've always been told you weren't smart enough for college and you've lost confidence that you can do it, start small. Take one class at a community college and work your way up to more. Don't start by applying to Harvard because you'll just be disappointed and won't want to keep trying. Small victories will slowly help you to see who you really are again and make you realize that you have every right to be confident in your abilities.