How to Take Practical Steps in Building Self-esteem in Adults
Things You'll Need
- 3x5 index cards
- Pen to write with
- Paper
- Spare time to think
- Ability to listen to quality criticisms from others
In our busy lives trying to make ends meet and trying to make so many people happy do we ever listen to ourselves and how we come across to others? Have you ever REALLY heard what people said and took it as a chance to improve on yourself? If there are things that are being said about you make mental notes about it and think about if they are true or not? Remember though don't believe everything that you hear just because they say it loud at you or you are bullied by a co-worker.
Write the notes down into a list of the positives and the negatives about yourself or what you heard from others, don't be self critical to the extreme here by writing a arms length of the all negatives without any positives because that is just your critical self talking and that is not practical. Once you have the lists it is time to move on to the next step.
This is my favorite task that I love to do when it comes to building self-esteem. I try to make 3" x 5" index cards that have positive sayings about myself. For example: I am a compassionate person, I am creative, I am a great singer, I am a great mother, etc. Now you might not totally feel this way at the time that you are making the cards but that really doesn't matter since you know in your heart that you have the seeds of potential within you! Once the cards of made keep them in a safe place so that when you feel at your lowest you can bring those cards out and look them over to help build up your self-esteem again.
Another item that I love to write down is, my "creative-hopes-that-you-want-to-see-yourself-as-in-the-future list. Lol... you might be saying what is that? Well what it is, is a list of things that you always wanted to do in your life (some people like to write, "a list of things I want to do before I die" I like to set goals for myself and set it for the next three years, let's say. Now remember this, this list is by no means set in stone, it is just a personal list to keep me focused on my dreams and goals. Try it out! It is a great tool to make a pathway for yourself and your future!
Lastly this step is just like walking, you need to start taking chances by building upon each and every success that you do. Even if you are starting out at square one with no experience, in what you want to do, you need to try and take the first step at your dream. The hardest thing to do is try but all it is that you are afraid to fail. In my opinion it is better to try and fail than never try at all. Nothing and I mean NOTHING in this world is stopping you from building your self-esteem other than YOU and your fear.