How to Grow Your Confidence!
Things You'll Need
- Full length mirror
- Optimism
It's EASY to look confident. Ready, set...stand in front of a full-length mirror. View yourself from the front, and then from the side. Watch as your image is transformed by doing the following:
1. Stand up straight: tummy in, chest out, shoulders back.
2. Smile, raise your eyebrows slightly, and show some teeth!Now that your appearance is more confident, let's help you become more confident within.
Don't be afraid to maintain eye contact with others. This is very important in life if you wish to obtain someone's respect and/or trust. Also, don't be afraid to offer someone praise or a compliment when it is genuine and deserved.
In a social setting, such as getting coffee in the office breakroom,when you find yourself keeping quiet for lack of words, try something new. Smile at the other person and initiate a conversation. You can keep it simple by discussing the weather, or mentioning an event from the past weekend. Once you begin to feel positive responses from your social enviroment, your confidence will begin to grow.
Pat yourself on the back! When you accomplish a goal such as getting an A on your paper, a raise at work, or paying all your bills this month, reward yourself! At the very least, PRAISE yourself. Don't wait for others' acknowledgement to enjoy your moment of success. If/when others voice appreciation of your actions, accept it and feel good in addition to your own good feelings about yourself.