How do you know if have split personality?

It is important to note that the term "split personality" is not a medically accepted diagnosis. The condition you are referring to is called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

Here are some signs and symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder:

- Amnesia: People with DID may have gaps in their memory and not be able to remember important personal details, events, or daily routines.

- Depersonalization: People with DID may feel like they are disconnected from their own body or mind, or like they are in a dream.

- Derealization: People with DID may feel like the world around them is not real or is distorted.

- Identity confusion: People with DID may feel like they have two or more different personalities, each with its own unique characteristics, memories, and patterns of behavior.

- Mood swings: People with DID may experience sudden and dramatic changes in their mood, from feeling elated to feeling depressed.

- Changes in behavior: People with DID may exhibit sudden and unexplained changes in their behavior, such as becoming aggressive or withdrawn.

- Flashbacks: People with DID may experience sudden and intense memories of past traumatic events, even if they seem unrelated to their current situation.

- Self-harm: People with DID may engage in self-harm behaviors, such as cutting, burning, or head banging.

- Suicidal thoughts: People with DID may have thoughts of suicide or attempts to end their own life.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. Dissociative Identity Disorder can be a complex condition, but with the right treatment, people can learn to manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.

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