How do you know if your still growing?
- Your clothes fit differently: If you find that your clothes are suddenly feeling tighter, it could be a sign that you're growing. This is especially noticeable in areas like your waist, hips, and thighs.
- Your shoe size changes: If you find that you need to buy a larger shoe size, it's another sign that you may be growing. This is because your feet are growing longer and wider as you get taller.
- You have a growth spurt: Growth spurts are periods of rapid growth that typically happen during childhood and adolescence. If you experience a growth spurt, you may notice that you're suddenly growing taller and heavier very quickly.
- Your voice changes: If you're a male, your voice may start to get deeper and lower in pitch as you grow. This is because your vocal cords are getting longer and thicker.
- You develop body hair: The development of body hair is another sign of puberty and growth. You may start to notice hair growing on your legs, arms, and underarms.
- Your skin changes: As you grow, your skin may become oilier and you may start to develop acne. This is due to changes in your hormone levels.
- You feel more hungry and tired: As you grow, your body needs more energy to support its growth. This may make you feel more hungry and tired.
It's important to note that not everyone experiences all of these signs of growth. Some people may only experience a few of them, while others may experience all of them. If you're concerned about whether or not you're still growing, talk to your doctor.