How to Tap Into Your Inner Goddess
Take the time to pamper yourself. As women, we can easily fall into the care provider role and forget about ourselves. This is a good thing in many ways, but it can dampen your inner goddess. Schedule time for yourself every week for a beauty regimen or spirit-enriching activities.
Treat the body like the temple of your inner goddess, because that is exactly what it is. Always nurture the body with rest, exercise, nutritious food and lots of water. Do all of the things you want your loved ones to do for their health and happiness.
Give yourself the same measure of love you give to others. Instead of pushing away your goals and needs for your family and friends, find ways of incorporating your needs and wants into your life. Make the time for self-growth.
Reveal your sexy inner goddess by believing that you are sexy. One of the many things that men are attracted to is the confidence of a woman. Walk into every room and situation believing that you are the sexiest and most attractive woman in the room, and let your inner goddess shine through.
Polish the many facets of your beauty to reveal your inner goddess. Maintain your beauty regimen, feed your soul and nourish your talents at all times. Celebrate your talents and your health in any way possible. If you love to sing, take singing lessons after your weekly mani-pedi. If you are a writer at heart, make the time to write your thoughts and stories down after everyone has gone to bed.
Listen to your intuition. It may sound "new-agey," but your intuition is something built into your feminine mystique. When things seem fishy, investigate them before making a decision. The same goes with your dreams. If you have a nagging feeling that a master's degree is what you really want, then go for it. Your happiness is just as important as anyone else's.