How to Recognize an INFJ
Watch their body language. INFJs are quiet. In social situations, the INFJ is often uncomfortable. They prefer one-on-one contact to group interaction. Approval or disapproval can often be seen in their facial expressions. An INFJ walks erect and with purpose and they appear to be focused on where they are going. The INFJ also tends to be uncoordinated and is likely to bump into a table or trip on a step.
Listen for verbal clues. An INFJ uses a lot of figurative language with deeper meaning. Because of the unconscious nature of their dominant function, Introverted Intuition (Ni), the INFJ will often seem to ramble as they search for the right words. Parasitic words such as "like" or "um" litter their speech as they attempt to express themselves coherently.
Get in touch with their feelings. INFJs use Extraverted Feeling (Fe) to express themselves. Using Fe, an INFJ will use language to express their values. It drives them to go to great lengths to promote harmony. Extraverted Feeling motivates the INFJ to help others. Fe also causes an INFJ to do things because it is appropriate. They care how they are perceived by others.
Check out what they're wearing. An INFJ will choose appearance over function. Their outfits are usually conservative and coordinated. INFJs usually consider expensive clothing to be a luxury as opposed to a necessity.