Signs & Symptoms of Disorganized Type Schizophrenia
Behavioral Symptoms
Strange and aimless behaviors are the hallmark symptoms of disorganized type schizophrenia and what helps distinguish it from other forms of schizophrenia. The afflicted will seem active, but their conditions are often not constructive and do not accomplish the task at hand. They may struggle with routine tasks such as hygiene, dressing and eating and may also act silly and inappropriate.
Speech Problems
Speech becomes garbled and unintelligible and may include nonsensical words and phrases, according to the Mayo Clinic. This can carry over to written communication, making that difficult to understand and decipher.
Emotional Symptoms
The expression of emotion in both face and body language is usually limited, making the afflicted seem emotionless and expressionless, according to the Mayo Clinic. When emotion is expressed, it may seem inappropriate for the situation or contrary to expectations.
Altered Mental State
Hallucinations and delusions also characterize disorganized schizophrenia, according to the National Institutes of Health. Sufferers may hear and see things that aren't there and formulate beliefs not based on reality. These impairments often make it difficult to function at school or work, and sufferers may become isolated from friends and family.
Physical Symptoms
Some symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia are physically noticeable. For example, posture may suddenly worsen. Sufferers may also appear clumsy and uncoordinated and grimace more than usual, according to the Mayo Clinic.