What Is a Relationship Like With Someone Who Is Schizophrenic?
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder, and the symptoms can often be quite severe. Hallucinations, paranoia and altered perceptions of reality are common. Proper treatment with medication and therapy can help ease the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Treatment and Support
In order to have a healthy and safe relationship the person with schizophrenia must be willing to treat their condition. Their partner must assist them in following through on their treatment. A support system of friends and family is also essential for both partners.
Erratic Behavior
The emotional ups and downs in a relationship with a schizophrenic person may be more pronounced. Neglect, lashing out and paranoid accusations can occur when their symptoms are not stabilized.
A person with schizophrenia may have trouble meeting the emotional needs of their partner, which can lead to depression in the healthy partner. The high levels of stress that come with caring for someone who is schizophrenic may make depression worsen.
Intimacy is affected by both the disease and the drugs used to treat it. Schizophrenics may experience a decreased interest in sex, and certain medications used to treat schizophrenia can also cause a decrease in libido.
A schizophrenic may be unable to work or may have trouble keeping a job, putting the majority of the financial burden on their partner. Schizophrenics also have trouble reading social cues, which can lead to arguments and misunderstandings. Many people in relationships with schizophrenics attend couples counseling in order to better communicate with each other.