Schizophrenia: How to Avoid Caregiver Stress
- Prioritize self-care. Exercise, eat well, get enough sleep.
- Talk to a therapist if you're feeling overwhelmed.
2. Set Boundaries:
- Establish clear boundaries about your time and availability.
3. Focus on the Positive:
- Celebrate your loved one's accomplishments.
- Focus on strengths, not just challenges.
4. Educate Yourself:
- Learn about schizophrenia and treatment.
5. Build a Support Network:
- Connect with other caregivers.
- Share experiences, tips, and emotions.
6. Seek Professional Help:
- For behavior or safety issues, consider therapy or medication.
7. Practice Patience and Flexibility:
- Schizophrenia can affect behavior. Be understanding.
8. Accept Help:
- Allow family, friends, or services to assist.
9. Respect Privacy:
- Give your loved one privacy.
10. Stay Positive:
- Schizophrenia can be managed with treatment.