What are the early signs of gangrene?

Early signs and symptoms of gangrene may include:

1. Color Changes:

- The affected area may appear pale, blue, or black due to the lack of blood flow.

2. Pain:

- Severe and persistent pain in the affected area.

3. Numbness and Tingling:

- Loss of sensation or tingling in the affected area.

4. Swelling and Inflammation:

- Swelling, redness, and heat in the affected area.

5. Skin Changes:

- Blisters may develop, and the skin may become wrinkled and dry.

6. Wound:

- Open wounds that don't heal or show signs of infection.

7. Discharge:

- Foul-smelling discharge from the affected area.

8. Fever:

- A high fever may accompany gangrene as the body fights the infection.

9. General Weakness and Fatigue:

- Overall feeling of weakness and fatigue due to the body's response to the infection.

10. Loss of Mobility:

- Gangrene in limbs may cause difficulty moving or walking.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, especially if you have a wound or injury that is not healing properly, seek immediate medical attention. Gangrene can progress quickly and early intervention is crucial to prevent severe complications.

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