How are narcissist women personality?
Narcissistic women are often characterised by the following personality traits:
1. Grandiosity: They have an inflated sense of self-importance and may believe they are superior to others.
2. Need for admiration: They crave constant attention, admiration, and validation from others.
3. Lack of empathy: They have difficulty understanding and considering the feelings and needs of others.
4. Entitlement: They feel they are entitled to special treatment and privileges and may become angry or resentful when they do not get what they want.
5. Arrogance: They may act condescending or dismissive towards others and may belittle or devalue their accomplishments.
6. Manipulative: They may use various tactics, such as guilt-tripping, charm, or intimidation, to get what they want from others.
7. Exploitative: They may take advantage of others for personal gain and may not feel remorse or guilt about doing so.
8. Insecure: Despite their grandiosity, they are often insecure and deeply sensitive to criticism or perceived slights.
9. Jealousy: They may feel envious or threatened by the success or achievements of others.
10. Lack of accountability: They may have difficulty admitting fault or taking responsibility for their actions.