Natural Treatment for Schizophrenia
pH Balancing Mixture
According to Dr. Maureen B. Roberts, a Jungian therapist and Specialist Consultant on Soul-Centered Wholistic Psychiatry Founder and Coordinator: Schizophrenia Crisis Centre and Drug-free Helpline in Austrailia, drugs that are often prescribed for Schizophrenia tend to be toxic to our health rather than doing any good. They do not heal the brain and may provide permanent disability in patients.
For patients who have been prescribed the average Schizophrenia drugs, their pH may be out of balance, so coming off of these drugs naturally and safely is important. The patient will need to drink an anti-drug formulation to help return their pH back to normal. Such a drink may consist of 500 grams of Calcium Gluconate, 200 grams of low-grade Magnesium Carbonate and 500 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. Stir all ingredients together to form a paste. Add the paste to about eight ounces of boiling water. Stir until the powders are completely dissolved. The liquid will become clear. Add a splash of cold water.
This mixture should be consumed twice daily, once in the morning and once before bed. This is very effective when coming off of a lot of drugs and will help restore the body's pH balance to normal.
The following vitamins are recommended for Schizophrenia:
• Three to six grams of vitamin B-3 (take in three doses with meals)
• 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin B-6 daily
• Three grams of vitamin C
• Folic acid and vitamin B-12 (no dosage is recommended, but it is recommended that patients take a lot of it)
• 3,000 to 9,000 mg of Omega-3 or fish oil capsules per day
Minerals may also be purchased from the local health food store. The following minerals should be taken daily:
• 200 to 600 micrograms of selenium
• 30 milligrams of Manganese
• Dolomite (see package instructions -- this may aid in helping the patient sleep at night)
• 50 milligrams of zinc