Homeopathic Treatment for Schizophrenia
Homeopathic Medicine
A general practitioner who is open to homeopathic treatment can prescribe homeopathic medications to patients with schizophrenia. Medicines for alternative schizophrenia treatment can be used to treat various symptoms of schizophrenia. Stramonium, aconite, belladonna and helleborus are recommended for feelings of acute crisis. Depression and suicidal tendencies can be treated by Natrum-sulph, Calc-carb, Aurum-mur and Aurum-met. For patients with a flat affect, doctors may prescribe pulsatilla, sepia or anacardium. Hyocaimus is one homeopathic medicine recommended for hallucinations and hearing voices.
Vitamins and Minerals
Another alternative schizophrenia treatment option is to take vitamins and minerals, available at most health foods stores. Vitamins B3, B6, B12, C, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids are all recommended for treating a range symptoms of schizophrenia. Minerals for homeopathic treatment of schizophrenia include selenium, manganese, dolomite and zinc.
Herbs and Flower Remedies
Herbal remedies can also be found at health food stores and are used like vitamins and minerals. St. John's Wort, ginseng and ginkgo biloba are just a few of the herbal remedies commonly used in alternative schizophrenia treatment. Flowers, such as cherry plumb, white chestnut, sweet chestnut, rock rose and crab apple, can also be used to treat schizophrenia symptoms.
Some homeopaths may also recommend the use of aromatherapy to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia, specifically anxiety and depression. Essential oils, such as basil, sage, geranium, lavender, chamomile and rose, can be dispersed by burning, pouring into a hot bath or massaging into the patient's body.
Transition from Medication
Homeopathic treatment usually requires patients to transition from using standard medications for schizophrenia, so patients moving toward a homeopathic alternative should reduce medication dosages gradually as withdrawal symptoms decrease. Patients may also benefit from psychotherapy and psycho-education classes in which they and their families can learn to create a supportive environment for reducing the symptoms of schizophrenia.