Major Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Over 90 percent of schizophrenics have delusions which are firm beliefs or fantasies are true when they clearly are illogical.
Hallucinations may involve five senses, however, they are often visual and/or auditory. Often the auditory hallucinations are examples of the patient's "inner self" coming through.
Disconnected Thoughts
People with schizophrenia have a difficult time with one concentrated thought. They might ramble incoherently and not be able to finish one topic before talking about the next.
Behavior Control
An early symptom of schizophrenia is the inability to control behavior, and can range from inappropriate, emotional backlash or strange behaviors that may inhibit the person from performing daily functions.
Negative Symptoms
Negative symptoms are clinically referred to absence of normal behavior. They can range from lack of enthusiasm or emotion to the point of catatonia---a state that prevents a person to become completely unaware of the environment.