Methods to Teach a Schizophrenia Patient About Medication
Liberman Curriculum
The Liberman Curriculum was created by Dr Robert Liberman and his associates from the UCLA school of medicine in 1986. There are seven learning modules with the course, and one is titled " Medication Management." The curriculum covers types of medications, side effects, remedies for side effects and how to take medications. The curriculum involves using an instructor manual; each patient is given a workbook. Each unit is enhanced by the use of a recorded video with a counselor and patient, discussing issues covered in that particular unit. In addition, there is an active practice section so the patient can practice skills he has learned.
Types of Medication
Patients should be taught what their basic medications are. Some of these medications are to control schizophrenia symptoms, while others are used to treat side effects. Other medications might be added to treat additional problems that arise with schizophrenia, such as anxiety.
Side Effects
Dr Liberman's research showed that the number one reason for patients to quit using medication was the side effects they experienced. This portion of the Liberman curriculum teaches patients what the most common side effects are, how long they last and what to expect.
Treatment for Side Effects
Not only are patients given education about the side effects of medication, they are also taught remedies to help with the side effects. For example, some anti psychotic medication creates an extremely dry mouth. Patients are taught that by chewing gum or keeping peppermint candies handy, their mouths will not be as dry.
How to Take Medications.
Many patients do not understand the basics of taking their medication. This portion of the Liberman curriculum covers how to remember to take medications, where to store it them, and how to read the label. If a patient is educated concerning proper administration of medication, she is more likely to take it regularly.
A curriculum can be bought and used to teach a schizophrenic patient about medication. The curriculum should contain the basic elements including types of medication, side effects of medication, how to treat side effects and how to take medication. If these simple steps are taught, medication compliance is increased, and relapse is decreased.