Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Delusions of Grandeur
Delusions are beliefs that have no factual basis in reality. Delusions of grandeur occur when a schizophrenic believes he has special powers or abilities, such as the belief that he is famous or is chosen for a special destiny.
Delusions of Reference
Delusions of reference occur when a schizophrenic believes people, or possibly speakers on the television or radio, are talking about him exclusively.
Paranoid Delusions
In this delusion, a schizophrenic believes someone is "out to get" her or is persecuting her unjustly.
Somatic Delusions
Somatic delusions involve the body. In this case, a schizophrenic may have delusions that his body is decaying, the government has planted a microchip in his arm or he has superpowers of some kind.
Hallucinations involve all of the five senses--smelling, touching, seeing, tasting and hearing things that are not real.