Do narcissistic people take advantage of helpless people?
- Exploiting their vulnerability: Narcissistic people may prey on helpless people who are in a vulnerable position, such as those who are elderly, sick, or disabled. They may use their power or influence to take advantage of these individuals, such as by taking their money or property or by neglecting them.
-Manipulating them: Narcissistic people may also use manipulation to take advantage of helpless people. They may lie, guilt-trip, or gaslight these individuals in order to get them to do what they want. For example, a narcissistic person might convince a helpless family member to take out a loan in their name, or to sign over their property to them.
-Isolating them: Narcissistic people may also isolate helpless people from their friends and family in order to make them more dependent on them. This can make it easier for the narcissistic person to exploit and control the individual. For example, a narcissistic parent might discourage their child from spending time with their friends, or a narcissistic spouse might prevent their partner from having contact with their family.
-Abusing them: In some cases, narcissistic people may even resort to physical or emotional abuse in order to take advantage of helpless people. This can include anything from verbal abuse to physical violence. For example, a narcissistic caregiver might neglect or abuse an elderly person, or a narcissistic spouse might abuse their partner.