How to Recognize Schizophrenia Early
AGE - Look for symptoms of schizophrenia in males from their teens through twenty five years of age. Women are normally diagnosed between the ages of twenty five to thirty years of age. Although individuals of other ages can get schizophrenia, this is the typical age group for diagnosis.
FAMILY HISTORY - Check for a family history of schizophrenia. Any individual from any family can get schizophrenia, however, it does run in families and if someone in your family has it, you are more likely to get it.
CANNOT COMPREHEND REALITY - Look for symptoms of a deranged perspective. People with schizophrenia cannot comprehend the world in the same way that a normal person does, therefore their perception of what is going on around them is twisted. The individual may have psychological differences such as unusual thinking and disturbing behavior.
HALLUCINATIONS - Ask them if they have had hallucinations. They may not know because they may think that the hallucinations are real. If they describe something to you that sounds like a hallucination, mark the details down on your calendar so that you can tell their doctor or caretaker about it.
HEARING VOICES - Listen to your loved one if they mention hearing voices. Ask them to describe the voices and try to determine if they really heard something or if this was a symptom of schizophrenia.
DELUSIONS - Watch for evidence of delusions. Many people with schizophrenia may think that things are happening around them that are not. They may accuse others of reading their minds or think that there is a conspiracy against them. Part of their delusion may make them think that others are using some type of mind control on them.
SOCIAL DIFFERENCES - Look for unusual social behavior in the individual. They may not want to interact with others and may not respond to normal emotional stimulation.
There are many types of schizophrenia, if you are suspicious that you or a loved one may have it, see a doctor immediately. Your doctor can perform a schizophrenia test and rule it in or out quickly.
Paranoid schizophrenia can be vary dangerous, consult medical help immediately.
If you need help dealing with someone that has schizophrenia look in the Resource section below. You can recognize schizophrenia symptoms in your friend or loved one early enough to get treatment.