Types & Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Paranoid Subtype
In the paranoid subtype, the patient suffers from auditory hallucinations or delusional thoughts about conspiracies. These patients are typically more functional that those with other subtypes because their intellect functions normally.
Disorganized Subtype
People with this subtype have disorganized behavior with speech that is difficult to understand. There is some disorganization in their emotional affect as well.
Catatonic Subtype
The catatonic subtype involves disruptions of movement with some patients becoming either almost immobile or developing frantic movements. Other patients may develop repetitious, unnecessary movements.
Undifferentiated Subtype
Patients with undifferentiated subtype may have symptoms from other subtypes--hallucinations, delusions or others symptoms--but no symptom is prominent or specific enough to classify the patient into one subtype or the other.
Residual Subtype
In this subtype, the symptoms of schizophrenia have lessened in severity although delusions or hallucinations may still be present. This subtype may be a bridge to a remission or may continue in a non-acute phase state for years.