Paranoid Schizophrenic Disorder
Paranoid schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by hallucinations and delusions accompanied by feelings of persecution and/or personal grandeur. Paranoid schizophrenia is the most commonly diagnosed type of schizophrenia. Auditory hallucinations and perceptual disturbances are the most common hallucinatory symptoms. Onset of the disorder usually occurs between the teens to the mid-thirties. It can be difficult to diagnose until the later stages-
The causes of paranoid schizophrenia are not well-known. An imbalance of the chemicals seratonin and dopamine in the brain is a leading factor. It can be affected by environment and genetics. Stress can make the symptoms worse, as can the use of certain types of drugs, especially if used as a teenager.
Paranoid schizophrenia is commonly treated with anti-psychotic drugs that suppress dopamine activity in the brain. Treatment is a lifelong process, as the condition can be episodic or chronic but never entirely goes away. It includes psychotherapy and may require hospitalization if the person becomes a danger to himself or others. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety and mood stabilizing medications may also be part of the treatment if these symptoms manifest along with paranoid schizophrenia.
Positive symptoms
The most recognized symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia include delusions, auditory hallucinations, confusion and disorganized thought processes. These are called positive symptoms as they are present in people with the disorder but not in the general population. The positive symptoms indicate a loss of contact with reality. The delusions often involve the person being singled out for some reason, usually persecution or the belief that there is something special about them such as being famous or of noble birth. Auditory hallucinations are the most common type. They hear voices talking about or around them. The voices can also talk to the person, threatening or giving commands. They more rarely have hallucinations involving smell, taste or touch. Visual hallucinations are the least common.
Negative symptoms
Negative symptoms are a lack or loss of normal social or emotional traits. These include inability to show emotion or experience pleasure, lack of motivation or ability to make decisions and withdrawal from relationships. These can also include changes in eating or sleeping habits and disinterest in personal hygiene.
The sooner a person exhibiting any of the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia can get to a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and start treatment the better. The longer a person goes without treatment the worse the problems get, and can lead to other problems such as depression, high anxiety, or mood disorders.