Visual Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Positive Symptoms
These symptoms are easier for family and friends to notice about the patient, and these symptoms are there one day, gone the next. First, the patient may see or feel apparitions of things in his own mind. He thinks it's real, but it's not. For example, he may think he hears people talking, usually about him or to him.
He may also suffer from misbeliefs that others are out to get him or his family. These delusions can even go so far as her believing she's someone she's not, believing that loved ones are out to get her or even that she is hearing specific things meant for her ears. The phrase, "Big brother is watching," can be very real to the schizophrenic person.
The patient may also have very scattered thoughts, which in turn can affect the way he talks. He may even have his own language.
The patient may be awkward and not very agile. She may experience twitches; or she may come to the point where she has no movement at all and basically responds to nothing.
Negative Symptoms
The term negative actually describes this set of symptoms quite accurately because these symptoms have more to do with how the patient feels. He may become quite unmotivated to do anything, and this unmotivation will show in the way he looks and acts. She may not use any expression at all because she is so unhappy. He may show no desire to talk or discuss anything. This is the step where the patient may not take care of herself as well as she should.
Cognitive Symptoms
These symptoms can be seen by a doctor as certain tests are done with the patient. He may be very indecisive and may not be able to focus. She may also have problems with remembering, which can greatly affect any work that she does. These symptoms are probably some of the worst that the patient has to experience because others may not know what is going on with the patient, but the patient is experiencing this as if she were alone.
Change in Personality
In the beginning, others may notice that the patient may not be himself. He may change over time, and people who are around him and close to him may notice these changes.
Dealing With Schizophrenia
It's very important for family and friends to be patient with the schizophrenic person because she needs their support and stability. In reality, he may feel the paranoia of "others out to get him," but the support of family even through this time can make a world of difference. The doctor may prescribe medications, based on how severe the patient's case is. It's important to take things one day at a time and learn what may bring on certain behaviors even more, as to avoid certain situations or even know when the patient may need to see his doctor.