How to Treat Schizophrenia With CBT
CBT and Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia patients have an aversion to seeking treatment due to the "voices" they hear and the control they feel others have over them. The first step is to control the aversion to treatment using CBT and prepare the patient to benefit from psychopharmacology.
The CBT treatment is very patient centered and the clinician must accept the patients' goals and also accept the paranoia of the patient. Then this same paranoia should be used to seek the necessary treatment and assess the goals of the treatment.
The command auditory hallucinations (CAH) that make people with schizophrenia behave in destructive ways has to be used to control them. Without detracting from the importance of the message the clinician will use the "voices" to "outrank" them and create another base of control. The base lessens the importance of the CAH and creates a less destructive meaning to it. This works in accordance with regular treatment and medications.
The CBT treatment must help clinicians control the negative emotions of the patient. The depression, the low self-esteem and the control of the "voices" is lessened through an understanding of the same. The patient is taught to interpret the hallucinations in a more positive manner and thus to an extent control them.
The CBT treatment cannot treat people with schizophrenia completely. However, the psychotic episodes may be reduced and hospitalization terms may also be reduced through use of CBT and drugs.