How to Live With a Schizophrenic Mother
How to Live With a Schizophrenic Mother
Educate yourself in the specific type of schizophrenia your mother has. In general, schizophrenia can negatively affect a person's mind and social skills in significant ways. Paranoid schizophrenics tend to think that some normal social situations are designed to get them. For example, a quiet conversation in a library may appear to a schizophrenic as if someone is plotting to trap her before she leaves the building. By understanding why your schizophrenic mother is behaving the way she does, your responses and reactions may positively change.
Make sure your mother is taking any medications prescribed for her on a regular schedule. Do this by establishing an agreed-upon routine that doesn't belittle your mother, but helps her understand the importance of taking the medication. Educate yourself on all aspects of the medication, especially the side effects. Since there is no known cure for schizophrenia, medications are designed to help cope with the symptoms.
Join a support group for family members of schizophrenics. Even if the support group meets online, it can help to relieve stress by connecting with people who are in similar situations. You may also get some questions answered or learn new coping techniques, alleviating tensions at home.
Encourage independence by not trying to do everything for your mother. Some schizophrenics may feel trapped in their world, feeling like they cannot function properly in the real world. Realistically speaking, schizophrenics have a hard time holding employment. But by helping your mother accomplish daily tasks on her own, you could relieve some of your own stress.
Find a hobby or safe stress relief outlet for yourself. You may feel the need to constantly take care of your schizophrenic mother and ensure her safety, but you also deserve to relax. Relaxing and recharging can keep you from burning out, since taking care of schizophrenic family members can sometimes feel like a full-time job.