What Are the Causes of Mood Swings in Women?
Hormonal Imbalance
Hormone imbalances occur in pregnancy, during menstrual cycles and during menopause. A woman's estrogen, testosterone and progesterone levels change during these times, triggering mood swings. Whether she is grown or a teenager, her hormonal shifts are the primary cause for the fluctuations in her aura.
Some women worry more than men, sometimes about things they cannot control. This causes feelings of inferiority and fear of the unknown. Some women go into withdrawal mode when they worry. When the situation is resolved or they snap out of it, the mood swing ends.
Nothing's going right, and she is stressed out. Irritability is displayed the most in this instance. Stress can derive from anywhere in the environment. However, women are mostly affected by stress from work and home, and any constant unpleasantness will spark her irritability as she copes with the situation.
Mild Depression
Though mood swings are not as severe as bipolar and manic depression, they can cause mild depression in women. Signs of light depression are withdrawal, lethargy, fatigue, and loss or gain of appetite. Since women's mood swings generally don't last for more than a few hours at a time, the symptoms appear and disappear quickly.
The Solution
Mood swings can be treated by maintaining a positive outlook on life, adopting a good diet, exercising (yoga is especially helpful) and eliminating as much stress as possible from your life. Herbal teas and acupuncture can also be great mood swing relievers.