How to Do Sahaja Yoga for Schizophrenia
Things You'll Need
- Place where you feel comfortable
- Lit candle
- Soft music (optional)
- Soft pillow or cushion
Fnd a nice comfortable place to sit, whether it be on the bed or cushion on the floor. Light a candle and sit in front of it with both arms stretched out palms up and relax. It is very important that your environment be relaxed and calm, as you need silence to promote relaxation and the release of negative energy.
Close your eyes, breathe deeply and totally focus everything on the sahasrara chakra, which is the top of the head. Stay focused on all of this intently. Maintain this position to help remain relaxed and calm. This helps the release of negative energy and allows concentration on the quiet environment.
Maintain this positioning and meditative state for 10 to 20 minutes. It should awaken the divine dormant energy in the body making the person feel much more at peace. The more often this meditation practice takes place, the better off the person is. Practicing this meditation technique will help the person become more relaxed without as much effort, which will allow them to better combat the symptoms of schizophrenia on their own.