How to Fight Schizophrenia with Actions
Things You'll Need
- Helpful doctors and family
- Medication can help
Seeing Actions and Finding ResultsWhat matters here is you develop a way of seeing actions and achieving results. Schizophrenia can be battled with actions. It’s a disease based upon thoughts, thoughts that are usually false. There is also a misconception that you cannot live with schizophrenia. It can be done by choosing to stop following the mad thoughts. Schizophrenics are real people who just need solutions like medicines. It cannot be cured within a day; it can’t be told to go away for a few weeks. It’s madness.
Remember Childhood ProblemsSchizophrenia can work on the memories of childhood. The visions play out like dreams, but are more real. Recall the dreams of childhood and how they felt so real? You could almost touch these dreams. If you go back to your childhood, you might see the root causes of your illness. Perhaps some event stands out to you. What matters for this discussion is going back as far as possible, talking about these things with the right people. For example, you may have experienced a bad divorce at a young age. What was once a small depression can lead to schizophrenia as an adult.
Slow Down and PrayAt some point you will feel the ill effects of racing thoughts, battling moments of euphoria or extreme lows. Praying, to whatever force you want to, allows you to slow down for a moment, to take the real world for what it is. It’s a philosophy that worked for me, ending my stay at a psych ward.
Stop Listening to the VoicesAnother way is to simply stop listening. Some schizophrenics hear voices. Consider looking at it in a rational way: Is this even real? Does it matter at all? When you ignore the voices, you take away its power. Whether you like it or not, you’re fighting yourself in many ways.
Quit DrugsStaying away from drugs is the crucial step here. They will do nothing but hurt your mental condition. It isn’t rare for drug use to lead to suicide, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to say people self medicating for an illness are included in that.Many medications you will be on while experiencing Schizophrenia aren’t save to use with alcohol, for instance, and definitely not save to use illegal drugs with. Medications will help you with the thoughts; binges on drugs and alcohol could lead to a mental collapse.
Remember you are not aloneYou are not alone in this fight. Schizophrenia afflicts many across the world. Your local mental health organizations may have meetings available, allowing you to share what you are experiencing.