5 Minute Goal Setting Activities
Crystal Ball Method
Using your imagination can help you understand what you want out of life. Picture your retirement party. Think about where you would want to be during that period of your life. Imagine what your coworkers would say about you. Identify what your priorities are and write down what you hope to accomplish in the upcoming years of your life both professionally and personally.
Mentor Phone Call
Support systems help people maintain sobriety, process grief and undergo other trials and tribulations. They are successful because they allow a safe haven for people to go and vent about their problems. If you are committed to a goal, find a therapist or friend who you can trust to discuss your goal. When you vocalize something, it becomes more real. Spend five minutes talking about your new venture or goal. Keep it short to find the most meaningful words to describe your goal and commitment.
Goal Bulletin Board
Clear and informative bulletin boards can organize the chaos in people's minds by presenting concrete plans. A goal bulletin board can contain a calendar, pictures, inspirational quotes, timelines for goals and goal spreadsheet with plans on how to execute them. Every week, take five minutes to check off one thing that you have done to reach one of your goals.
Recorded Interview or Book
People are more likely to reach for their goals when they know others have done it. If you do not know anyone who has, read a book or listen to an interview. For example, if you would like to become a comedian, find Dave Chappelle's interview in which he discusses his journey to success as a comedian and listen to that brief clip for inspiration.
Divide and Conquer Method
Goals are clearer on paper. In the beginning of every month, take five minutes to briefly jot down different areas in your life that need improvement. Divide your goals into categories, such as financial, career, family, personal and health. For example, if you would like to cut down on carbohydrates, you would write that down under the fitness section. Compose your goals in skeleton form before thinking about possible ways to accomplish them during that week.