Absent-Mindedness & the Ways to Improve It
The symptoms of absent-mindedness are obvious and hard to ignore. These include the failure to follow through on tasks, a tendency to lose possessions and forget vital information, and a reluctance to commit to tasks that require prolonged mental exertion. Another clear symptom of absent-mindedness is the inability to successfully organize one's work and social calendar. Absent-minded individuals tend to have difficulty focusing on a single task, as they are easily distracted and prone to daydreaming.
Some causes of absent-mindedness are beyond the control of the sufferer. These include situations of prenatal drug abuse, a clinical diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or the onset of diseases like diabetes or brain tumors. Other causes of absent-mindedness are controllable by the sufferer. These causes include poor time management, emotional turmoil, excessive multitasking, unnecessary media distractions and unreasonable personal goal-setting.
Internal Improvements
One of the best ways to improve absent-mindedness is to identify and eliminate internal emotional turmoil. Make a list of fears that arise when you approach difficult tasks or daily responsibilities. Also list interpersonal relationships that tear you down instead of build you up. Read self-help books or visit a psychologist in order to work through your unreasonable fears and emotional blockages. Confront people with whom you are enmeshed in a toxic relationship. Set firm boundaries to ensure they can no longer sap your energy and distract your attention, or end the relationships if absolutely necessary.
External Improvements
Purchase a day planner and use it to keep your daily appointments and responsibilities organized and fresh in your mind. Set reasonable goals for yourself and schedule time in your planner to complete each task by a set deadline. Focus on one task at a time, breaking it down into small chunks that do not make you feel overwhelmed. Turn off music and all other media when it is time to focus your attention on a specific task. Keep important items in a designated, visible location so you always know where they are when you need them.
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