How to Help Kids Visualize
Sit quietly with your child. Ask him to close his eyes and consider a goal he'd like to achieve. He needs to be specific. He could be longing to be free from bullying at school -- or for the know-how to pass his math test.
A child longing to ace his math test needs to imagine the joy of doing so. Encourage your child to envision his goal in the utmost positive light. Join him in visualizing the outcome of his goal as if it were presently happening. For instance, he could imagine his math test with a big A-plus written in red ink above the top of the paper.
Cast aside all doubt. Have your child focus intently on having his goal already realized -- not as something that will happen in the future.
Successful visualization requires belief in yourself and your dreams. Discuss the desired outcome -- thoroughly. Ask leading questions, with detailed direction. Discuss the steps he can take to reach his goal. Ask him how it feels to have achieved his goal, both physically and emotionally.
Encourage your child to express his joyful feelings -- explicitly. Thoughts cannot contain power without strong emotion to back them. Give him the time and freedom to speak openly for as long as he needs. If you sense him expressing doubt, redirect the dialogue to keep it positive.
Close the visualization with a positive affirmation. Have your child confirm his faith in himself and in his success.