How to Make Your Day Discipline Program
Things You'll Need
- Schedule book
Review your common daily schedule. Take note of inconsistencies, then write an ideal schedule for yourself. Keep your ideal schedule realistic and set attainable goals.
Make a list of discipline goals, such as waking up early to meditate, or drinking more water. List the goals in order of priority, or what you want to accomplish first.
Implement the first daily discipline. Habits take time to change, so cover one goal at a time. Begin with a goal that is easy to achieve, such as waking up an hour earlier to stretch.
Complete your new discipline daily. Some days your task will be easy to complete and others it will be difficult, but keeping up with the discipline will give you a sense of accomplishment that carries over into other tasks.
Keep a portion of the day open to try something new. Changing a piece of your routine every day will keep things varied and prevent a feeling of stagnation. Use this time to try an online language course or read something you normally wouldn't.
Keep your daily disciplines positive. Positive goals are more motivational than their negative counterparts.
Continue to add a new goal until your daily routine becomes your ideal schedule.