How many symptoms of PTSD are there?
* Cluster A: Re-experiencing symptoms
* Flashbacks
* Nightmares
* Intrusive thoughts
* Emotional reactivity
* Cluster B: Avoidance symptoms
* Avoidance of thoughts, feelings, or situations associated with the trauma
* Emotional numbing
* Restricted range of affect
* Detachment from others
* Cluster C: Hyperarousal symptoms
* Increased startle response
* Difficulty concentrating
* Hypervigilance
* Insomnia
* Irritability
* Aggression
* Cluster D: Negative alterations in cognitions and mood
* Negative beliefs about oneself, others, or the world
* Hopelessness
* Guilt or shame
* Loss of interest in activities
* Difficulty experiencing positive emotions
Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD. However, the more severe the trauma, the more likely it is that someone will develop PTSD.