Things to Calm You Down When You Are Really Upset
Listen to Music
Soothing music can help you escape from the points of stress and worry in your life. Putting on some of your favorite music is a great way to pick your mood back up and calm yourself down. Consider using headphones to block out external noise if the thing that is upsetting you is within earshot.
Take a Hot Shower or Bath
Taking a hot shower or bath will loosen up any tension in your muscles caused by the stress that comes with being upset. If you are taking a bath, close your eyes and try your hardest to let the water wash away your worries. Add scented bath salts or soap to increase the relaxing mood.
Running well help keep your mind and body healthy. Running, and other exercises, releases endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are associated with feelings of pleasure. Exercise will also get you into better shape, boosting your self-confidence and increasing your overall mood.
Laughter causes your heart rate and blood pressure to increase, lowering your stress response, and physically improving how you feel. Watching a comedy, reading a funny book, or talking to a funny friend can all help calm you down when you are feeling very upset.
When you are very upset in the moment, you might be crying or breathing hard. To calm down, take a few mindful deep breaths; concentrate on breathing deeply all the way from your diaphragm. In the moment, you can count slowly to ten or repeat a calming word. You can also close your eyes briefly and think about a calming place, one from your imagination or somewhere you have been to before.