How to Be Happy & Feel Good
Eat healthfully by incorporating more lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your diet. This will keep your mind and body sharp, giving you a boost in energy and self-esteem. It will also protect you against life-threatening conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Maintain a regular sleep schedule. While you are sleeping, your body recovers its strength and produces most of its serotonin. Getting a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night boosts your immune system and mood, preventing illness and depression.
Exercise regularly. Exercising at least three times a week will keep you healthy and in shape. It will also cause your body to produce more endorphins, create a sense of well-being.
Reduce your stress levels. By maintaining a reasonable schedule, avoiding anxiety provoking situations and coping with daily stress appropriately, you are more likely to maintain a high level of mental and emotional health. If you don't sweat over the little things, you will have more time to celebrate and enjoy life.
Surround yourself with friends and family. More than anything, a support system filled with meaningful relationships can boost your sense of purpose and happiness. Although there may be difficult times when you are tempted to isolate yourself, resist this temptation as it will not be beneficial in the long run. You will be better equipped to handle painful life events and maintain a positive perspective if you have close relationships.
Cultivate a sense of gratitude. If you take time to reflect on the positive aspects of your life each day, you are more likely to be content and fulfilled. Comparing or competing against others will only make you dissatisfied and unhealthy, particularly if it leads to materialism. Materialism is absolutely incompatible with happiness.
Make time for the things you enjoy. Participate in activities and hobbies that bring you happiness. Although this can be difficult when things get hectic, it is absolutely essential to your self-esteem and well-being.
Nourish your soul. Regardless of your worldview, it is important to develop your spiritual side. If you follow an organized religion, you can do this by joining a spiritual community and learning more about your faith. If you are not religious, cultivate your spiritual well-being with inspiring poetry or an awareness of the beauty around you.
Identify and celebrate your positive qualities. A healthy self-esteem is an important aspect of happiness. If you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to feel good about your life as a whole.