How to Let Petty Things Go
Take deep breaths. Concentrating on your breathing will help bring a wave of calm upon your body, shifting your focus away from the petty things and toward yourself. Be sure to breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose.
Admit that you're wrong if you have to. We have all engaged in arguments about petty issues with someone who will not budge from her opinion. Even if you are right, admitting you're wrong will help prevent stress and show that you are on a higher level.
Be grateful for what you do have. It is often easy to let the petty things blind you from seeing what's really important. If you can learn to recognize that you should be thankful for the things that you do have, you will realize that petty things really are just that: petty.
Recognize that often in life things happen that you simply don't have any control over. Getting upset when something happens outside your control will not solve the problem. If you can't prevent something or can't alter the outcome of an event, there's no sense in getting angry or frustrated about it because you can't change it. Accept the things you can't change and move on.
Be flexible. If you expect to meet somebody for an engagement at a certain time and they are going to be late, for example, be understanding about the situation and don't hold a grudge. Being flexible also entails sacrificing your own wishes for the sake of the group's wishes.
Get a hobby. A hobby is a useful diversion from the things in life that may seem important but are actually frivolous. Hobbies such as skiing, boating, and basketball among others are all ways to harness your attention away from the petty things and toward something constructive.