How to Handle a Fast Paced Environment
Get the recommended amount of sleep of eight hours every night. Not getting enough rest makes it difficult to function, much less in a fast-paced environment. Have your body fully energized before entering that environment. Doing so should make it easier to stay on top of your game and deal with whatever comes your way.
Eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Not getting the right nutrition can also make it difficult to deal with a fast-paced environment. Therefore; it's crucial to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid consuming too many junk foods. In addition, taking a multi-vitamin daily should also be helpful for keeping your body and mind in peak condition.
Stay as organized as possible. If you are fully prepared and know exactly where everything is, it makes it much easier to stay focused and deal with stressful situations. Items like folders, storage containers and electronic organizers can all help with this. Also, many types of task management software are available that can help you stay on track.
Keep your life as balanced as possible and take time for leisure activities. To live a harmonious lifestyle, it's important to balance out work and play. Reserve some time each day to relax and clear your mind from stress. Doing so should prevent you from getting burned out and revitalize your mind.
Don't make promises you can't deliver on. There are only so many things one person can accomplish in a day, so it's important to know your own limits. To accomplish this, do not over-schedule yourself or make commitments you are incapable of fulfilling. Remember, you don't have to say "yes" to every request.