How to Get Rid of Pre-Game Jitters
Talk yourself up. While warming up, think things like, "I am strong," "I have trained hard," "I can find the way to win." Instead of worrying, keep your brain occupied with positive reinforcement. Concentrate on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Be performance oriented, not outcome oriented. Focus on playing your best and being happy with that. Don't worry about winning or losing as much as performing to the best of your abilities.
Channel your nerves into something positive. Listen to a prepared playlist of music. Let the high energy music boost your adrenaline and soothe your anxiety. Listening to your favorite music will make you feel happier and keep you from worrying.
Consciously relax your body if your anxiety is taking you over. Close your eyes and take deep, measured breaths. Sit still while you do this and don't talk to others around you.
Distract yourself. Find a way to take your mind off the game if you are anxious several hours or days before the event. Go see a movie, hang out with friends or do something that will completely absorb you.
Spend time with your teammates. Remember you are in this together and they can help. Warm up together and talk about the game. It is important not to feel alone and burdened by your jitters. Everyone has jitters to some degree and they can be channeled into laughter and energy when you are all together.
Spend time alone if you prefer silence and peace before a game. Relax your body and mind with meditation and deep breathing. Use this time to prepare yourself for competition.
Develop a pre-game routine and keep yourself busy. Stretching, warming up, team meetings and mental encouragement all have a place in your routine. Give yourself plenty of preparation activities and perform them without thinking about why.