How to Figure out My Strong Traits
Sit down and think about the types of activities, behaviors and ideas you have engaged in during your life. Be honest and intensive. Include ways you have interacted with people and things you've done to help or hinder others.
Write down everything you have brainstormed. Examine the way you have acted during these activities, behaviors and interactions. Pick out traits of these interactions that you find positive and negative. For example, you may have caused a fight with a friend over him dating a girl but you apologized sincerely and backed down from your resentment.
Create two columns on a piece of paper labeled "Strong" and "Weak." Write all your positive or strong traits in the "Strong" column and your negative or weak traits in the "Weak" column.
Read your list of "Strong" qualities and think back on other incidents when you may have displayed these behaviors. Find the "Strong" traits that you exhibited the most often and circle these on your list.
Ask your friends and family members to create a list of strong and weak traits of your personality. Try to get them to be as honest as possible but understand they may be reluctant to say anything negative about you. Encourage them that they should be completely honest to help you with finding your strong traits.
Compare their lists with yours and find the most commonly recurring positive traits. Write down the most commonly recurring traits, both strong and weak, and try to focus on strengthening your strong traits while downplaying those that are weak.
Repeat this process when you are feeling self-doubt or concern over your behavior. It can help you take stock of your strong traits and reaffirm them.