How to Build Your Own Personality Quiz Badge
Identifying your personality type
Take a free version of the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory online. Answer the 72 or more questions as honestly and objectively as you can. Do not over-think your answers or try to make them fit any preconceived notion of how you think you should respond. The test will display and email you the results.
Read and understand the four letter combination. First, you will have an E or an I. This refers to extrovert or introvert. Your energies are either directed outward or inward as a preference. Next your result is either an S or an N. This means you are either a sensor or an intuitive. Sensors are realistic and intuitives are idealistic. The third letter is either a T for thinker or and F for feeler. Your decision-making function is either driven by your intellect or your heart and emotions. Finally, you are either perceptive or judging. You either like variety and change or see things in black and white.
Select a font that you wish to use for the letters of your personality type quiz badge. Extroverts may choose bold and large letters. Intuitives may wish to have more creative fonts. Perceptive people may vary the lettering. Judgers may use easy to read block lettering. Let the font reflect your personality style. Choose a colorful card stock on which to print your 3x5 size badge. You can make 6 per page in order to have extras for future use.
Purchase at a office supply store the plastic-covered name tag holders with a safety pin on the back. Slide your newly created badge into the plastic holder. You might close the back side with a piece of scotch tape to make sure the card does not slide out.
Wear the personality quiz badge at work and around town. It will generate questions. People will wonder what the letters mean. Invite them to take the quiz themselves. Use the information you gain about yourself and others to learn how to better relate to people with personality differences. It will make getting along with others who are different than you fun and enjoyable.