Ways to Cope With Negative Feelings
Understand what you are feeling. If you want to cope with your emotions, then you cannot ignore them. Analyze your life and figure out the potential root causes for why you are feeling the way you are feeling. If you are angry, consider the possible triggers, whether it is a frustrating divorce or memories of an isolated childhood. Find out what your emotions are trying to convey to you. The better your understanding of your feelings is, the easier it can be for you to deal with them.
If your negative feelings exist as a result of things you cannot change, such as the past, try to gain some peace with what is now over and done. Realize that although what is making you feel negatively is unpleasant, by letting it consume your life you are giving it a lot of power over you.
Talking your feelings out can be a productive way to handle them. Reach out to people in your life who make you feel safe and comfortable. Confide in them about your deepest emotions. Doing this can be helpful because not only does it allow you to connect with another person, but it also allows you to reduce your burden by getting heavy matters off or your chest. If you admit something aloud, it in many ways decreases the power it has over you.
If you notice negative feelings consuming you, limit the amount of time you are allowed to spend thinking about them. If you permit these feelings to go on too long without setting limitations, you risk wasting a lot of time and dragging yourself down even further. Feel your emotions for a few minutes, and then make an effort to move on. Tell yourself that in five minutes you will call your best friend, get back to work or go run errands, for example.
Amidst difficult feelings, it is important to not neglect yourself. Pamper yourself a little bit, either by going for a tranquil walk along the beach, taking a warm bath, meditating, going for a massage at a day spa or listening to soothing and quiet music in the privacy of your own bedroom. All of these activities can serve as effective outlets for dealing with hard feelings.
Concentrating on breathing can sometimes be an effective means for handling negative feelings. Sit down in a quiet room and slowly breathe in and out. Loosen up your body and feel the tension slip out, especially around your neck, back and shoulder areas. Envision positive situations as you do this, whether it is being around your most loved ones or swimming in the cool and clear waters of the Pacific Ocean on a warm summer day.
Blowing off steam can be very beneficial for coping with tough emotions. One way in which to do this is by working out. Cardiovascular fitness can decrease stressful feelings and give you a natural and positive boost in your attitude. Take a run outdoors, hit the treadmill or hop on a bicycle to sweat and get rid of tension.
If you feel like you need outside assistance in dealing with your emotions, consider counseling, either through individual or group therapy sessions. Also, if you suspect that your feelings are in any way abnormal, persistent or dangerous, get the help that you need immediately, without wasting even a second. Contact a counseling community center in your area.