How to Balance the Positive and Negative Aspects of Myself
Practice your inner dialogue. Talking to yourself internally is important to remaining balanced and calm in tough situations. Many people will look in the mirror and think "I'm too fat, I should not have had pizza last night." Instead, focus on the more positive aspects of yourself. When you look in the mirror find at least one nice thing to say to yourself and leave it at that.
Keep a positive outlook even when a difficult situation arises. Although it is important to be realistic and not ignore hard the facts of life, try to imagine the best possible outcome rather than the worst. Thinking that the worst will come true will lead to a defeated outlook and will cause you to feel as though you would rather give up than attempt to rectify any issues that have arisen.
Breathe and be aware of yourself. Do not allow yourself to become disenchanted by negative thinking. Once you begin to think unhappy thoughts about yourself it is difficult to stop. This can lead to a lifetime of negativity which can even impact your health. Any time that you find yourself thinking negatively take a moment to breathe and come back to reality. Switch your thoughts to things you like about yourself. Before long you will find yourself in the habit of positive thinking.
Talk to a trusted friend or family member if you ever discover yourself stuck in a bubble of negativity. Every once in a while you will find it is more difficult than usual to break out of the cycle of negative thinking. In this case talk to someone else just to get out of your head; you do not even need to talk about anything important.
Take a walk. Staying stagnant can cause you to become stuck on one track inside your head. A chance of scenery and getting your body moving is a good way to help yourself bring your mindset to a more positive place.
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