How to Reassure Myself Things Are OK
Close your eyes, and focus on what you're feeling. Acknowledge any and all doubts you're having. Let your mind focus on any thoughts, images, memories or sounds that are troubling you or causing you to second-guess yourself.
Ask yourself why you are feeling the way you are. There's a reason you're questioning or doubting yourself, making you feel uneasy about your current state.
Acknowledge your feelings. It's OK to doubt yourself from time to time. Tell yourself that you're not being silly or crazy for feeling the way you do.
Express your feelings as a way of reassuring yourself. If you're angry, go into a room away from everyone else to scream for a few minutes. If you're worried about being too loud, scream into a pillow. Also, exercising may help you burn off that negative energy. Go for a run or a walk to clear your head. If you feel like crying, allow yourself to shed tears. If you feel comfortable in doing so, talk to someone about what you're feeling. Tell a friend or loved one what's going on or ask for guidance.
Recognize that you cannot completely control the past or the future, but you can learn from your mistakes. Tell yourself everything is going to be OK.