Why Is it Important to Make Good Choices in Life?
Substance Abuse
Making the right decisions can prevent an individual from resorting to harmful substances such as illegal drugs or alcohol. Users typically use these substances merely to receive a temporary emotional relief. However, continual use can transform into an intense dependency with severe physical and psychological consequences. Excessive use of these substances can lead to addiction and life alterations including lower grades, overall poor performance, social withdrawal, increased conflict with others and suicidal thoughts. You can avoid these harms by making the right decisions and choosing not to use them.
Good decisions can help maintain a healthy lifestyle and even prolong a person's life by making healthier decisions that will keep a body in a better condition. A healthy life involves increasing physical activity, sleeping right, eating healthy foods and not smoking. According the Centers for Disease Control, a person who is active at least seven hours a week has a 40 percent lower risk of dying. Unhealthy choices, on the other hand, can cause serious detriment to a person's body, such as cardiovascular disease, Type Two diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, all this can be prevented by making the right decisions.
Good decisions foster a tranquil state of mind, one that is less stressed or worried about the future. Individuals who make bad decisions worry about the repercussions of their actions, especially if they led to illegal activities. They may fear law enforcement agencies or public judgment, thereby inhibiting their ability to enjoy their personal lives. Those who make the right decisions, on the other hand, can relax, knowing that they have not done anything wrong. Future prospects are much brighter for those who have chosen well, including better career options and overall life satisfaction.
A parent's choices can greatly impact a child's well-being and overall health. The responsibility of caring for a child begins during a pregnancy and continues throughout adolescence. It is up to the parent to make the right decisions during this period in order to prevent irreversible side effects. Ingesting drugs or alcohol during a pregnancy, for example, can cause a child to develop life-long health effects. A parent's decision to not regulate influences can cause a child to turn violent, thereby endangering the lives of parents, teachers and others around them. Side-effects of bad rearing may be circumvented by making good decisions that will provide a positive effect on the child.