Five Ways to Relieve Tension
Take your focus inward with deep breathing techniques that help you slow down any breathing that may have become shallow due to stress and tension. The process of concentrated breathing can help you relax your body. Breathe in deep through your nose and fill your lungs, and center your focus deep in your core. Exhale through slightly pursed lips until it pushes air from your lungs. Repeat this process up to 10 times, and imagine your body slowly relaxing from rigid tension with each breath, from your shoulders to your appendages.
Through meditation, prayer or just plain visualization, remove yourself momentarily from your immediate situation to place yourself in a more peaceful state of mind. Close your eyes and let your mind empty, or think of things that bring you comfort or joy. Visualize yourself in a place where you feel at peace, making sure to take in each detail. If you visualize yourself on a tropical beach, imagine how the silky sand sifts through your toes. If you visualize yourself on top of a mountain peak, imagine the smell of pine.
Get Moving
Your body was made to move, and it rewards you with happy endorphins whenever you give it the exercise it wants. Take a stroll around your office or maybe traipse a flight or two of stairs to get your heart beating. Things like yoga can help you concentrate more on movement than those things that are stressing you and causing your tension. Just walking 20 minutes per day will help your body chemistry change and stress levels are reduced.
Take a Break
If you are feeling especially tense take a break just for yourself. Remove yourself from those things that are bothering you so that you can collect your thoughts in a calmer, more focused way. Find a quiet spot at your office or outside in a park to take in some sunshine to lift your mood. If you are at home take a nice, warm bath with calming fragrances such as lavender and the citrusy bergamot.
Let Your Body Rest
Insomnia not only results from stress, it makes your body susceptible to more stress. When you sleep your body does a lot of repair work from the day before. Without proper rest you will feel the effects in sore muscles and a foggy mind that will compromise how you deal with your day-to-day activities. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine that may compound the problem. Drinking herbal teas such as chamomile can help you relax and get the sleep your body needs.