Ways to Immediately Relieve Emotional Distress
According to Dr. Herbert Benson, author of "The Relaxation Response", meditation can be repetition of any action. You don't have to sit with your legs crossed and hum to meditate. Calm yourself down by participating in an activity that takes your mind off of your present situation. Try jogging, painting, swimming or participating in any other activity that you enjoy. Force your mind to focus only on the activity that you are doing and you will forget about the other things that are causing you emotional distress.
Emotional distress can make it difficult for you to calm down and catch your breath. Try slowing your breathing with different breathing activities. Place your hand on your stomach at the base of your rib cage and take big, slow breaths in and out. Focus on your breathing and nothing else. Try this Chinese breathing exercise. Take three short inhales through your nose. On the first inhale lift your arms straight out in front of you. Bring them straight out to the sides of your body on inhale two. Lift them straight above your head on inhale three. Exhale through the mouth and drop your arms back down to your sides. Repeat four times.
Drink Tea
You may love coffee, but when you're emotionally distressed it's the last thing that's going to help. Caffeine raises the stress hormone cortisol and will make you anxious and feel on edge. Instead try making a cup of hot chamomile or green tea. Chamomile tea calms the mind and reduces stress, according to WebMD.com. Green tea is loaded with nutrients and will provide many health benefits including prevention of stroke, diabetes and cancer. It is also speeds metabolic weight loss.
According to the MayoClinic.com, studies show that massage is helpful for relieving stress, managing depression and anxiety and even controlling blood pressure and boosting immunity. It gives you a chance to lie down and relax with your thoughts. Swedish massage is the best for relaxation. It is gentle and uses deep circular movements, vibrations and slow strokes. If you can't get to a massage therapist, try massaging yourself. Place your hands on your shoulders or neck and knead your muscles. Massage reduces tension and will provide quick relief from emotional distress.