How to Gain a Positive Perspective
Monitor your negative self talk and think of alternatives. Ask yourself if you are magnifying the negative aspects of a situation and filtering out the positive ones, anticipating the worst that could happen, or viewing situations as either wholly good or bad with no middle ground. If you notice yourself doing any of these things, try to put a positive spin on your negative thoughts and to see the situation more realistically. For example, replace "I can't do this" with "I can do my best."
Identify the aspects of your life you would like to change. If there is something you have the power to change -- for example, your job -- set yourself a realistic goal and take small, manageable steps toward this goal. Do not try to change everything at once, as this can be overwhelming. If the problem is something you cannot change, try to alter your attitude toward the situation and view it more positively.
Write a list every day of everything you are grateful for. Rather than striving for perfection or comparing yourself unfavorably to others you believe to be more fortunate, focus on what you have, rather than what you don't have. Being appreciative, even of the little things in life that you usually take for granted, will help you feel less dissatisfied and develop a more positive attitude.
Surround yourself with positive people. Negative people can be emotionally draining, whereas people who are upbeat and supportive will have a positive influence on your mood and stress levels. Choose a friend or acquaintance as a positive role model and practice reacting to events and seeing the world as that person would.
Keep a sense of humor. Learning to laugh at yourself and to not take life's more awkward moments seriously can diffuse stressful situations and help you develop a more positive mental attitude.
Look after your physical health. When you feel in good shape physically, you feel more positive about yourself and about life in general. Eat a nutritious diet and regular, balanced meals; take time to relax and make sure you get enough sleep. Incorporate some form of moderate exercise into your daily routine, and do at least 20 minutes of more of vigorous exercise three times a week.