How to Deal With a Lack of Physical Confidence
Stand taller and straighter with your shoulders back. Maintaining good posture can make you look self-assured and confident, and when you appear confident, you are more likely to feel confident. Practice throwing your shoulders back and walking with your head held high, and this stance will gradually become more natural to you.
Eat nutritious foods, and eat enough of them. Feeling self-conscious about your body can cause you to eat less and eliminate certain food groups that your body needs for energy and internal balance. Consume plenty of wholesome, minimally processed foods such as lean protein, vegetables and whole grains, and avoid overeating simple carbohydrates such as sweets and white bread. When your body is healthy and balanced, you will feel physically confident.
Exercise frequently and regularly, at least several times a week. Being out of shape is a primary reason for a lack of physical confidence. When you exercise, push yourself to build confidence in how your body performs by setting weight goals and strength goals. Train your muscles to work as hard as you want them to. Feeling strong and knowing what challenges your body can withstand are important parts of developing physical confidence.
Present yourself at your best every day. Dress in clothes that you are comfortable in and that fit your body properly, and you will feel more physically confident. Maintaining good hygiene and styling your hair every day (and doing your makeup, if you are a woman) can also go a long way toward helping you appreciate the person you see in the mirror.