How to Overcome Emotional Hurt & Anger
Accept that another person has wronged you or that you are in a difficult place in life. Remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you are the master of your fate and ultimately have control of your anger and sadness.
Find healthy avenues to express your emotions. For instance, when you are angry, take a kickboxing class or scream into a pillow instead of acting out against yourself or others.
Look for a distraction. Take a college course, start a book club or take up golf. Find anything that will allow you to focus on something else aside from your sour feelings.
Seek comfort in friends and family members. Call your best friend when you are feeling low or visit a sibling instead of indulging your feelings of anger. Use your support system during this time and also be there for these people. Focusing on someone else besides yourself will give you a new sense of purpose.
Learn what your emotional triggers are and attempt to avoid them. For instance, if you are dealing with a co-worker negatively, ask to be transferred to another department or avoid this person altogether.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and mentally transport yourself to a place of happiness and calm. Allow yourself to remain in your own mind until the feelings of anger dissipate.
Seek professional help if you are not able to cope with your feelings of hurt and anger on your own. Speak to a therapist or a spiritual adviser to acquire the tools necessary to find peace.