How to Get Stronger Mentally
Put others before yourself. By focusing more on others than you do on yourself, you begin to further your understanding of what it means to be a team player. You don't necessarily need to fade into the background or take a supporting role; just understand that it is impossible to win in life if your team loses. This is the first step to becoming stronger mentally and learning to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.
Increase your confidence in yourself. By believing that you can accomplish your goals, you are more likely to do so. Having confidence in yourself will allow negative comments to bounce right off of you without incident. This confidence will also mean that you are less likely to collapse under difficult situations and more likely to overcome obstacles.
Learn to second-guess yourself. Your first instinct is not always your best option. The most advanced members of the military, namely the Navy SEALs, are taught that the correct option takes time to puzzle out. Mental strength means taking the time to thoroughly consider your answer. Good planning will allow you to avoid tough situations in the future.
Learn to overcome pain. Pain takes more forms than just the physical. Mental fatigue will also tax your strength and emotional fortitude. Become stronger mentally by pushing past your fatigue and fears. Overcoming your pain threshold is one step on the path to becoming stronger. It allows your body to find new limits. In order to be a champion, you have to push through the pain your goals throw at you, in order to get where you want to be.
Embrace fear. Many people keep their fear locked inside, expressing it as hostility or hatred. Replacing fear with a negative emotion is not conducive to gaining mental health. Fear is a natural instinct that comes from a lack of information. By gathering more information on the subject that makes you afraid, you are better able to overcome that fear. Mental strength allows you to dominate fear, instead of the other way around.